Friday, March 4, 2011

Protests and Antibiotics

The past few weeks have been a bit of a blur - which is sort of a good thing. I mean, it's March already! I miss my man terribly, but have been talking to him lots the past week. I talk his ear off whenever he calls - and skypes. It's nice to talk to my BFF again.

The protests in the middle east brought some anxiety... Joel was not in a place where he could contact me when they started, and I didn't hear from him until the next week. Life goes on as usual, but he was filling up such a huge part of my mind every day that it made it hard to focus. As the year goes on, we will hit more times when he is unable to reach us for a while, and I will get better at it :) Right now, things where he is are calm. None of the anger is directed at Americans, so lets pray it stays that way. He has been getting packages from home and is lovin it! He's working out when he isn't actually working, and told me yesterday that he is down to 14% body fat. Not sure what that means... but I think it's good :)

Now, flu season has hit. We try to avoid antibiotics as much as we can - and while Gator and I both got the flu last week, there were no sinus or other infections that needed antibiotics. I was feelin pretty proud of us... all healthy and stuff. Then I noticed a small painful bump just below my eyebrow. For anyone that doesn't know me - I'm a picker. If something can pop.. or looks like it can pop - I'm gonna pick at it. So I squeezed this red bump-and got nuthin. Always disappointing when that happens. I thought it must be an ingrown hair; I get those all the time from the insane amount of plucking I have to do to keep these brows from turning into caterpillars... or a caterpillar since I'm pretty sure it would just go straight across. I figure I'll get it when it's ready. I wake up the next morning and my eyebrow is so swollen that my eyelid is pushed down! I iced it then put some makeup on, thinkin it wasn't too noticeable, even parted my hair so it covered it half way... then encountered Gator in the kitchen. "Whoa MOM! There is something wrong with your face!" Bummer. I decided to go to urgent care where the doc diagnosed it as 'cellulitis' and gave me a prescription for one of those things that I have been avoiding so well! antibiotics.
All of that happened on Wednesday. Last night (Thursday) I noticed some eyebrows that looked like they could be plucked from the area (which was still swollen). Smart me - I tweezed them out... and awoke this morning to my eye being so swollen that I could only open it half way! It looks like I was in a fight! I started to try and part my hair over it... then decided nothin is gonna cover this and pulled my hair into a ponytail. I came out to the kitchen to again receive a "Oh my GOSH MOM!" reaction from Gator. His hand actually covered his mouth this time in one of those 'i'm so shocked' poses. nice. So, back to the urgent care I go. Doc says it's a more intense infection than initially thought, and since it's around my eye they don't want to take it lightly. Today, I got not one... or two... but THREE antibiotics. One of which was a shot to my tush. Really!? We had been doing so good! I don't even remember the last time I was on antibiotics... and now three!! I left the doc feeling rather deflated - except for my eye... which is still rather inflated. nice.