Money & wisdom don't typically go together with us. We get a decent chunk of money through Joel's deployment, and when this has happened before, instead of putting that into paying off debt, we purchased large ticked items we 'needed' so badly that I can't even remember what they were. I already have a list in my head of things that we would have bought had we not been doing this year of no stuff... Anyway, we really don't need new couches... or dining room set... or bedroom furniture. That little voice inside that says "but it would be so nice to get a new ____" or "look at that _____, it's so much better" is gradually learning to shut up. I find myself getting frustrated at the advertisements I come accross that used to make me long for new things. I heard the average American sees over 2,000 advertisements a day. Over 2,000 things on billboards, tv's, signs, and shelves screaming 'YOU NEED ME!' Ugh. I am so over it.
So tonight, I am feeling blessed. Blessed for the freedom that I am gaining by loosening the ties to the stuff that the world is weighing me down with. Blessed by my frequent contact with my favorite man/best friend/hero/husband dude. Blessed by the family of friends that are keeping us busy, helping take care of Nate and making sure we are doing ok. Blessed by a heavenly Father who is right in the middle of this whole thing, and who is holding our tomorrow so that we are free to run with today.